..In the words of my late mother, "I...Have...Had...ENOUGH!"
If you do not follow "Progressive Underpants" you may have missed this...missive which may have struck a nerve. I am not in the habit of "cross-posting;" that being said - thought you may find this of interest.
Is your home in foreclosure? Blame President Obama. Had my ear chewed off the other night by a guy who went through a terrible ordeal. Funny, it wasn't Bank of America's fault - it was the President's.
Some nice folks we met are in a tizzy; $300,000 "Madden Cruiser Motorhome" license plate renewal went up a few bucks. It's "Obama's" fault. Why their home state holds no responsibility is a mystery.
Our dearly beloved Occupy Protesters are irked because BigAssBanks and recipients of corporate welfare are passive-aggressively ignoring them and their no-demand demands. Blame the President. He hasn't "made" them change or "ended" corporate welfare single handedly. If they get mad enough - they're not going to vote. I fail to see how that "fixes" one damn thing. Coming from a Congressional District that was "mad" at the Democrat...many didn't vote - and you know what happened? Joe Friggin Walsh wins by 291 votes. Yeah, not voting for POTUS is going to make Wall Street change its wicked ways. Sure it is.
Congress can't play nice? Pouting about working close to the holiday recess? Blame the President! Again, Dearest Congress, "Recess" is for Children. Though, you have demonstrated you are incapable of behaving as anything OTHER than children. 90% of you are on Santa's "Naughty List."
I hope to hell we include Congress during Festivus Celebrations - as We the People have a lot to say during the "Airing of Grievances."
Hang nail? Hang Over? Hemorrhoids? Halitosis? Hernia? Hay fever? Headache? Heart Burn? Hiccups?
Blame the President!
Everybody else is! All the cool kids are!